Soil Doctors


The Global Soil Doctors Programme is a farmer-to-farmer training initiative that aims to build the capacity of farmers on sustainable soil management while supporting national governments and stakeholders in addressing the needs of their rural communities.

Course Duration

6 Months


B.Sc. Biology/ Agriculture or Equivalent 

Global Soil Doctors Programme

The United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization (UN-FAO) Global Soil Doctor Programme (GSDP) is a farmer training initiative that was developed by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP). The Programme aims to provide farmers with educational materials to learn about Sustainable Soil Management (SSM). The trained person – recognized as “Soil Doctors” are selected to support and educate other farmers to diagnose and heal soils in their local community. Across 21 countries, UN FAO’s Global Soil Doctors Programme is transforming agriculture by training farmers to become soil experts. These soil doctors use sustainable practices to rejuvenate the land & enhance crop yields.

The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) was established in 2012 as a mechanism to develop a strong interactive partnership, and, enhanced collaboration and synergy of efforts between all stakeholders involved with soils. One of the key objectives of the GSP is to improve soil governance and promote sustainable soil management. The GSP has been advancing in its mandate of improving soil governance to safeguard agricultural productivity and food security through sustainable soil management and ecosystem services.

Scope of the Soil Doctor

The execution of the program builds on the identification of champion farmers (referred to as Soil Doctors) to educate other farmers in their community on soil science principles and to train them in the practice of sustainable soil management

Objectives of the Soil Doctor

  • Farmers Training to Save Soil
  • Soil and Plant Testing expert
  • Soil Improvement Process
  • Soil research and experiments
  • Natural Farming
  • Organic Food Production

Benefits of the Soil Doctor

  • They will become reference sources on soil management within their local communities;
  • They will benefit from the incentives provided to them by the promoter(s) (see section on incentives);
  • They will receive special training aimed at increasing their knowledge of soil and the practice of sustainable soil management by the promoter(s) of the program;
  • They will be able to make immediate decisions in the field by putting into practice the methods in the STM (to be put at the service of their community); 
  • They will strengthen their relations with the community, increasing their ability to request and report the needs of their community.

Benefits for the farmers

  • They can rely on the assistance of a trusted member of their community, the Soil Doctor, to improve their farming system and the quality/productivity of their soils. This will ultimately lead to increasing their food security (quantity and quality of the harvest);
  • They will receive training aimed at increasing their knowledge of soil and the practice of sustainable soil management by their Soil Doctor; and
  • Through their Soil Doctor, they will have a preferential channel to communicate with the promoter(s), particularly about their needs.

Curriculum Module Details

Module 01: Introduction to Soil Chemistry and Soil Physics
Module 02: Soil biology and biochemistry
Module 03 Soil Structure, Components, Characters
Module 04: Soil Fertility, Nutrients, and Intake Process
Module 05: Hygiene and cleanliness, Lab Sanitation & Lab Safety
Module 06: Physical Analysis of soil samples
Module 07: Chemical Analysis of soil samples
Module 08: Chemical Analysis of soil samples
Module 09: Reclamation of problematic soils
Module 10: Analysis of the plant nutrient
Module 11: Analysis of the nutrient composition of manures/ composts
Module 12: Analysis of the water sample
Module 13: Calculation of the amount of nutrients present/ required in soil/ water
Module 14: Preparation of the Soil and Water Health Card
Module 15: Seed Selection & treatment under Natural farming
Module 16: Soil Nutrient Management under Natural Farming
Module 17: Weed Control under Natural Farming
Module 18: Irrigation Management under Natural Farming
Module 19: Integrated Pest and Disease Management under Natural Farming
Module 19: Preparation of Inputs for Natural Farming
Module 20: Undertake Quality assurance & certification in Natural Farming
Module 21: Supervision and Training to the Farmers
Module 22: Process of conducting field visits and demonstrations
Module 23: Process of conducting training sessions for farmers
Module 24: Process of assisting farmers in establishing linkages
Module 25: Process of assisting in forming and operating SHGs/ FIGs
Module 26: Communication, Soft & Computer Skills
Module 27: Management and Employability Skills